Friday, September 30, 2016

Revelation 2 & 3 - The Seven Churches - Dr. Jerry Brandt

The seven churches of revelation are pictures of different contemporary churches throughout the earth. Some scholars also believe they represent periods of churches history beginning in the first century until now.  Jesus walks among the churches as the one who sees all things.  He has good things and bad things to say about His church.  He commends each church for certain faithful virtues and then says to all but the church at Philadelphia, "I have somewhat against thee." He particularly calls each church to remain faithful and endure to the end.  He also calls each church to repent and turn back to holiness. Warnings are also given that lamps will go out and judgments will come to the unfaithful.  Each church is told at the end this vital truth, "He that has ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying."  Perhaps the most important of all needs of the early church as well as the contemporary church today is learn to hear God's voice.  The blessing given over and over again to those who hear the voice of the Spirit is..."He that overcomes.."  So the over comer is evidently those who hear God voice. Jesus loves His church, walks among her, watches over her and stands with the angels, which could be the pastors, of each church.  Some also believe that each church is appointed a special angel, real angelic beings, of God's watch and protection.  There are valuable lessons we learn from Revelation 2 & 3 about Christ's relationship to us His church.  To view all the teachings of the book of Revelation by Dr. Brandt, to so:  BOOK OF REVELATION.


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