Monday, October 24, 2016

Revelation 5 - Jesus Takes Dominion over Earth!

John wept much, because no man was worthy to take the scroll and open it's seals. Inside the scroll was the final dominion and possession over earth of all of man's struggles, suffering and future glory.  Many had tried to take possession over earth.  But no man had that authority. No man was worthy.  John felt the pain and struggle of all mankind waiting for freedom. John finally turned around and expected to see the mighty Lion of Judah, but instead saw the little lamb, slain. He realized it was the sacrifice and blood shed that gave Jesus the right of possession over earth.  All at once all of heaven broke out in glorious praise, "worthy is the Lamb that was slain" was their chorus.  The 24 elders fell on their faces in worship.  The four beings around the throne lifted high worship with the resounding shouts of holy, holy, holy is the lamb.  Then John saw the earth and all creatures on the earth begin to praise their maker.. for their hour of deliverance had come.  The only one who could bind Satan, release the earth from the curse, and bring the long awaited kingdom from heaven to earth in it's finality.  This is the 5th chapter of Revelation.  One of the most glorious chapters in the bible!

Jesus Receives the 7 Sealed Scroll 
& takes possession of the earth

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Revelation 4 - The Throne of God

John is caught up to the throne of God in the spirit.  He sees what God's dwelling place looks like!  It is awesome and magnificent.  Thunders and lightnings all encased in a beautiful rainbow of colors with a vast sea of glass before the throne. The atmosphere is full of worship and adoration to the Lamb in the midst of the throne.  The 24 elders bow in reverence each time the four living creatures break out in praise.  They celebrate the creative power of the Lamb of God!  Not only Jesus creative power over the universe, but the creative power of the Lamb to bring, through His own blood, the new creation of men who are born again through this Lamb's sacrifice. These living creatures cry, "Holy, Holy, Holy" in a never ending sound. The 24 elders break out in astounding loud exaltation as crescendo's of glory reach certain pinnacles.  Could it be that we here on earth move heaven to respond each time we bring a soul into God's kingdom?  The word says all of heaven rejoices over one sinner that repents!  Yes, we can move heaven to praise the Lamb. Angels around the throne dwell in wonder to see the power of the Lamb's blood to deliver from men from darkness. John received this great revelation found in Revelation chapter 4 - 5.  To follow the entire book of Revelation go to:  BOOK OF REVELATION


Friday, September 30, 2016

Revelation 2 & 3 - The Seven Churches - Dr. Jerry Brandt

The seven churches of revelation are pictures of different contemporary churches throughout the earth. Some scholars also believe they represent periods of churches history beginning in the first century until now.  Jesus walks among the churches as the one who sees all things.  He has good things and bad things to say about His church.  He commends each church for certain faithful virtues and then says to all but the church at Philadelphia, "I have somewhat against thee." He particularly calls each church to remain faithful and endure to the end.  He also calls each church to repent and turn back to holiness. Warnings are also given that lamps will go out and judgments will come to the unfaithful.  Each church is told at the end this vital truth, "He that has ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying."  Perhaps the most important of all needs of the early church as well as the contemporary church today is learn to hear God's voice.  The blessing given over and over again to those who hear the voice of the Spirit is..."He that overcomes.."  So the over comer is evidently those who hear God voice. Jesus loves His church, walks among her, watches over her and stands with the angels, which could be the pastors, of each church.  Some also believe that each church is appointed a special angel, real angelic beings, of God's watch and protection.  There are valuable lessons we learn from Revelation 2 & 3 about Christ's relationship to us His church.  To view all the teachings of the book of Revelation by Dr. Brandt, to so:  BOOK OF REVELATION.


Revelation 1 - A Revelation of Jesus Christ

The book of Revelation is often viewed as primarily about prophecy.  Not true!  It is first of all a revelation of the person of Jesus Christ.  It is simply a full revelation of Jesus Himself and His "Action Plan" for the future.  It is His love letter to the church.  It shows the extent Jesus is willing to go through to cleanse this earth for His bride, the church. That is chapters 6 - 19!  That is why in the first chapter of Revelation, all He talks about is His bride.  He loves us so much that one of the very first revelations of Jesus Christ is found early in chapter 1... "Him who loved us and washed us from our sins by His own blood." v - 5  Chapter 1 of Revelation is full of rich revelation and sets the stage for the rest of the book.  God reaffirms His great power and authority over planet earth. This is possibly one of the greatest chapters in the bible showing Christ as King, Judge and Bridegroom. For the full series of the book of Revelation on video, please go to my youtube account at:  "jbrandt4him"


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Introduction to Revelation

John, the apostle who wrote Revelation, says, "blessed is he who reads and understands this book". Why?  Because Revelation unfolds the future.  It gives us understanding of what is about to happen on planet earth as Jesus takes full "Dominion" and the title deed back from Satan and all evil. The amazing thing is, He does this through His bride, the true church.  It is the prayers of the saints that release the SEALS in Rev. 5 and the prayers of the saints in Rev. 8 who release the TRUMPETS.  The church will move with such authority on earth during the tribulation that she will overcome by listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Jerry Brandt Introduces the Book