Friday, September 30, 2016

Revelation 1 - A Revelation of Jesus Christ

The book of Revelation is often viewed as primarily about prophecy.  Not true!  It is first of all a revelation of the person of Jesus Christ.  It is simply a full revelation of Jesus Himself and His "Action Plan" for the future.  It is His love letter to the church.  It shows the extent Jesus is willing to go through to cleanse this earth for His bride, the church. That is chapters 6 - 19!  That is why in the first chapter of Revelation, all He talks about is His bride.  He loves us so much that one of the very first revelations of Jesus Christ is found early in chapter 1... "Him who loved us and washed us from our sins by His own blood." v - 5  Chapter 1 of Revelation is full of rich revelation and sets the stage for the rest of the book.  God reaffirms His great power and authority over planet earth. This is possibly one of the greatest chapters in the bible showing Christ as King, Judge and Bridegroom. For the full series of the book of Revelation on video, please go to my youtube account at:  "jbrandt4him"


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